Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Burning Man 2015: Mirrors, Masks, and A Magic Carnival

Hello all visitors and dwellers of my Asylum!

I supposed to write that yesterday, but everything worked together for not to let me post a blog. (especially Sakura, my little monster)

As my first theme, there wouldn't be a better one than Burning Man. Because Burning Man is awesome. (and so Burners) Because Burning Man is real Fashion Asylum. And because... This year's art theme is something I fell in love with. (Too bad cannot be there... That's why we should think twice before being a mom, LOL xD)

As I told, 2015 Art Theme is announced as Carnival of Mirrors, explained as "This Carnival of Mirrors asks three essential questions: within our media-saturated world, where products and people, consumption and communion morph into an endlessly diverting spectacle, who is the trickster, who is being tricked, and how might we discover who we really are?" in official website. (see the full article here if you haven't seen it yet)

Since they announced that theme, I focused at masks and mask themed designs can make a good element on costumes, and choose to share my explorings via with my weekly Masks concept. I hope you enjoy.

That would make a great Burning Man costume
this year

Venetian mask and a mirror.

As a big fan of Venetian masks, I like to design them, and first thing I remember is a Venetian mask when topic is "mask". But unfortunately I haven't wear them a lot, instead I have worn gas mask too many times, almost as a routine. ( Yeah, demonstrations. Thanks to our dictator, even a simple and peaceful demonstration or protest becomes gas chamber within minutes here in my country...)

Plague doctor from history

A part of Steampunk costumes, that plague doctor masks are
pretty awesome too. Despite the fact a plague doctor is a Renaissance thing, still using in Victorian-themed Steampunk costumes, but it looks pretty baddass. I'm sure most of Burners knows them, but couldn't skip. Because they were very helpful to me during the game Assasin's Creed, it doesn't matter how freaky they are.

Some interesting masks I've picked from somewhere else, which can be an inspiration for creative folks:

A turquoise mosaic covered Astec skull mask.

Scold's Bridle, a Medieval punitive mask for
public humiliation

A WWI tank mask
An Inca sun God mask
Japanese traditional Noh theater masks

Siberian shamanic mask
Omani women with traditional Bedu Mask

Picture tells itself. Used in Insane Asylum in 17th Century. Now moved to Fashion Asylum lol! 
And so! There was a huuuge mask database around world but I choose to go with underrated and interesting ones. (someone said interesting? err... Creepy, maybe?) In the next one, I will share some featured indie shops which I picked online. Untill next post, see ya! Don't forget to put your mask on!


  1. Hi, I would like to use one of your images in my blog, would that be ok with you?
